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Suche Rock Band

16.04.2015 — Zielgruppe: Anfänger

Hey Leute!
I"m gonna go ahead and write this whole thing in English. My German kinda sucks and I wanna introduce myself here.
I"m currently studying and I"m fairly new at playing drums. Been doing so for six months, and I"m looking for my first band to jam with. I"m into Post Rock (Carey!Hello!), Stoner/Palm Desert Rock (Kyuss, QotSA, Them Crooked Vultures...) and Prog Rock (Mars Volta, Gentle Giant..). I still have lessons once a week to improve technical details, but I"m a quick learner. I have a bit of practice playing RATM, LEDZEP and Metallica songs thanks to my teacher, but I"m open to play any genre.
Meeting once or twice a week to play together would be dope, I"m still a total n00b so it"s not like I have a strict schedule. I play a couple times a week in Veddel (I live in the Harburger area but am free to travel around). They have a cool Proberaum, cheap and band-friendly with amps, piano and drums.

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