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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Rock Band

28.07.2019 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

Hi, my name is Eugenio and i'm 27 years old. From the 13th of August i will live in München.
I'm principally a bass player with a 14 years of experience.
I also play electric and acoustic guitar from 2011.... i'm not a lead but a rhythmic guitarist if you need.
I played in various bands through the years.
Favorite styles: Funk, Crossover, Progressive, Grunge, Stoner, Nu Metal, Hard Rock.... I also like acoustic styles to play.
Favorite bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers (old school), Tool, APC, Limp Bitzkit, Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Black Stone Cherry, Animals as Leaders, Polyphia.
I always worked with Logic Pro for producing pre-recordings.
This is the last pre-recording done with my old band:
I know how to behave when going to record in professional studio and i know how to find my place in the band during the creative process of new songs.
I started learning Deutsch one month ago and right now i can easily talk english.

If you need a style-flexible bassist i'm here!


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