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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Rock Band

14.05.2020 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

I am a singer and looking for a rock and/or a funk band (fusion of different styles is welcome, open for different styles, ideas), would like to play both own songs and covers, and aim to play live as much as possible in festivals, events, etc. Recording own music, album, etc. would be great.

I am 34 years old, make music for more than 20 years as a singer and/or guitarist in rock, hard rock, funk, and pop styles. Also, singing in a rock and jazz acapella choir.

I have played in several bands and with several musicians thru the years in bars, events, on streets, etc., So, I have a good level of experience and lots of motivation.

I have mostly played covers, however I am excited about writing own songs and writing already some lyrics as well, not so many ready though. I am convinced that I can bring creativity and genuine vocals 😉

If you are looking for a singer/frontman for your band, dont hesitate to reach out! I am open for new ideas, also acoustic projects, but looking for a semi-professional or professional level.


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