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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Volkstümlich Band

27.08.2021 — Zielgruppe: Berufsmusiker

I would like to introduce my self and my stile of working. I have brought my passion of art employed at four and five stars hotels in many EU countries and cruise ships .
My rich experience and academic music education(Bachelor degree of music pedagogy and now study my master degree the same discipline) made me flexible and allowed me to play and sing various styles and genres in multiple languages such as jazz standards, ballroom dance, evergreens, country music, Latin-American music , Classical music, Opera and Musicals ,and many more. My repertoire includes more than 1000s tracks in English , German, Spanish Italian, Greek, Dutch and Russian languages , and many classical and popular piano tunes .
I am looking for other professional musicians or a band , for collaboration and professional realization.

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