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Suche Metal Band

30.09.2018 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

Hallo zusammen, ich heisse Luca und ich komme aus Italien. Ich spreche nicht sehr gut Deutsch, so wenn es kein Problem ist, werde ich von Deutsch auf Englisch wechseln! :D
I live between Brescia (Italy) where I play with Folkstone (folk-metal ) and Koeln, so I"™m looking for different proposals here, like an already formed band that need a guitar player or band members for starting a new project: I have a lot a music already written, from grunge/rock to thrash metal (you can listen some of my demos in the links at the end of this advertisement). I"™m pretty open-minded, so I can consider different styles and genres, from rock to grunge to melodic death metal. I truly prefer original bands, but I can also consider proposals from cover-tribute bands. Thanks in advance to everyone for the patience and understanding! Bis bald!
Here some music examples:

Anzeige aus D-50823 Koeln

Anzeigen-Nr. A94760

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