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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Keyboarder/in

03.05.2019 — Zielgruppe: Hobbymusiker

In unserem Band sprechen wir alle Deutsch - but - I have to write this in english:

I was once passing a news-stand and saw a headline on a music magazine - Interview with U2 s keyboard player and thought nothing of it. A moment later I was thinking; I ve never seen a keyboard player with U2 - I went back to read the article and it turns out that, for a while, they were touring with a keyboard player under the stage. he was very good.

Can you play in that kind of style? (on-stage, not under it) - Or maybe direction Peter Gabriel, Alan Clark, Stevie Winwood, Craig Doerge? - Sound that fills the room, rocks and swirls......

If so, we are creative cover band (with a couple of original songs) looking for you.

If you like singing as well, that would be great.

Could you send a message (english/deutsch) with a short description of your musical self?
please email to:


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