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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche E-Bassist/in

01.06.2019 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

Hi , we are guitar/sing plus a new drummer and we"d like to team up with like minded people .
Sure there are good players here but where is the fire ? Where are the people who are willing to push ? Hobbyists?no please .

Some points to consider ...
Before you go ahead check the link below to have an idea of what I do (Garage Rock, Funk , Post-Punk, Psychedelic rock all mixed together)

Anyone looking for to sing too or like to write lyrics is welcome.

I have no studio right now so I"d suggest to play at the Noisy Rooms or any similar place that is available and later we find a proper place for us to play.

PS: If you reply please check your SPAM folder as sometimes replies end up there
Thank you ,

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