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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Sänger/in

19.08.2019 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi


We are looking for a singer to develop a musical project with original songs. Which style? our style, of course! together we will build up songs with our musical ingredients. Music and lyrics are there, we need to add our arrangments, our style, fun, ambition, dreams, etc.

Only few things you should know:
1) better is if you don"t play with other bands, otherwise it would be difficult to focus on our project (as a general rule, is better to be the choice than the option)
2) reliability and trust are much more important than musical skills
3) we are not professional, but we should have a professional mindset; this project is not an hobby, is an evolutionary path.

Ok, now if you are motivated and would like to start this adventure, then just drop a message ;)

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