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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Sänger/in

17.09.2019 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

HEY Boys`n`Girls from Berlin!!
we (Singer/Songwriter/guitar, Drummer and Bass player) are looking for a special thing here !! it might take some time till we find someone"¦.we`re looking for someone to sing good backing vocals (who has no difficulties hitting a certain harmony note in time and also to remember what he sang "¦) and to play either guitar or keyboard"¦or maybe even another instrument"¦
...and who is under 40
...well, concerning the instrument:
you don`t have to be very fast or to play super complex stuff much more i need someone who has a good feel for the musical form the rythm "¦a good ear and ability to embed into a group and to enrich it`s sound.
if you feel that this description kind of fits to you and "“ in the first place "“ you like the kind of sound we wanna reach ( ).
Just give me a message and we`ll try

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