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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche E-Bassist/in

23.09.2019 — Zielgruppe: Hobbymusiker

Hi, we, Thank You & Good Night, are looking for a bass player and a lead guitar player! I"m Emir and I"m 27 years old. I play guitar and sing; for about 8 years now. Our Proberaum is on Westendstrasse and we rehearse every Saturday, and sometimes during the week as well.

Without further ado... Of course the most important thing, the music... We released our first EP this month. Check it on Spotify, or whatever your platform of choice is.

We are also on Soundcloud if you don"t have any paid membership to any kind of streaming service. (

What we are mostly looking for are people who can write good music which serves the songs. Your technique doesn"t matter to me, to be honest. Nice, creative riffs would do. But we like to keep things extremely simple. This will not be a "guitar skills" showcase band.
Energy is a plus... Back vocals are a BIG, BIG plus. Ambition is a big plus. I am very well aware; we are not Metallica and this is an unpaid job. But please be ready to take it seriously.

To give you some examples frm my influences, I could name the following bands: Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Queens of the Stone Age, Incubus, The Darkness, Royal Blood, Alter Bridge, RHCP, Nirvana, A Perfect Circle, etc...

When you write to me, I would be very pleased if you share a song from the past or a performance of you. It doesn"t have to be professional but it would definitely help. This is not a requirement. But it would be a short cut to a beer/wine (On me ;).
Please do write to me in German if you are not comfortable with English. German is not my first language, but I"m working hard to improve it. :)

Looking forward to your inquiries,

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