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Suche E-Bassist/in

19.08.2020 — Zielgruppe: Hobbymusiker

Hey there!

We"re Bored Walk, a former four piece surf/slacker/Indie band that now lacks a bassist and that bassist could very well be you! We have already a good repertoire of songs that we want to continue to present live as soon as it"s all safe again. We are also now working on new stuff, so you joining us would mean rehearse the old stuff und be creative with us on the new stuff.
If that sounds appealing to you at all just message me and I"ll get back to you with the specifics. We have a spacious rehearsal room with windows, so it"s actually possible to keep the distance and let in some fresh air from time to time! 😃

Wir reden auch Deutsch aber Englisch ist ja bisschen mehr universell in Berlin ;)

Much Love,
Bored Walk

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