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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche E-Bassist/in

18.06.2021 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi


We"re Thank You & Good Night from Munich and looking for a bass player. We are between the ages of 23-29, so it would be cool you would be somewhere around that age too :)

Our style is hard rock and we only write & play our own songs, (maybe some covers here and there for fun) and in English. Currently, we are 3 people, Emir (guitars & vocals), Andreas (lead guitars), and Maxi (drums). We have a rehearsal room in Westend near Bauhaus and rehearse on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays. (Most of the time once a week)

We are planning to release an album soon and hopefully give a lot of shows.

Here is a demo from our upcoming album:

If you like the music, please write us an introduction about yourself and let"s meet!

Looking forward!

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