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Suche Sänger/in

15.05.2024 — Zielgruppe: Berufsmusiker

Only for Career-minded Sängerinnen

Do you REALLY want to "get somewhere" and not remain stuck in place as a typically incorrectly informed minimally ambitious European?

Fortune magazine:

‘Americans just work harder’ than Europeans, says CEO of Norway’s $1.6 trillion oil fund, because they have a higher ‘general level of ambition’

.... why he invests in USA and NOT in EU !

We are re-starting our Major International Label Previously Signed Band here in Europe and need one more fully independent Attractive Smart Young & Fit-Looking/Thinking/Acting Singer-Musician Woman as a main stage-center member!

.... who wants to help Fix the World with her Natural Happy Persona shown in her Singing Performances in a signed and promoted Band with Positive High Goal

Show Us What Ya' Got .... and we'll Show it to the World!

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