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Suche E-Bassist/in

25.05.2017 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

We"re an alternative-indie-garage rock band(G/Vox+Drums) looking for a bassist(Girl/Guy).
First of all this is our music
and we"re these guys here(the bassist is not with us anymore)

We need someone reliable (we mean it), who"s interested in work to develop new songs.
You don"t have to be super skilled ,if you play with confidence and have creativity we want you.
We want your help to bring new songs and we will help you to learn our songs and you can also bring your own ideas to the songs.
We"re NOT a Metal/Punk/Hardcore band. no,no,no, we listen to it, but it"s not what we want to play
We"re super friendly,but focused on what we do.
We record frequently and we want to go live soon.
We are 2 people but we speak EN;DE;ES;PT;RU;IT

IF You"re not a bassist please , please, don"t reply . We just need a bassist .

our page(again if you missed it on the top) where you can check some songs .It"s very important that you check ,so you don"t get shocked to find out that we actually don"t play jazz (yes it happened)

thank you ,

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