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23.07.2017 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi


The Vagrants play a lot of gigs in Germany. They are a singer from Australia, a bass player from Brazil, and a guitarist from New York. We need a person that can play a few styles, but we are mainly rock, but also diverse. The Vagrants require a fully committed band member, not a session player.

The right person will be, someone that thinks music is most important on the planet, be a committed drummer, and that drinking, smoking, and looking cool is not the most important part of being in a band. We need a person that can get along with the band members, and be respectful of other, be able to talk to venue owners etc, and also help with the running of the band is some way. Age is totally unimportant.

We are all very good at what we do, and need a solid drummer that loves to play live, have fun, and do short tours.
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