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Suche Sonstige Instrumente

12.05.2018 — Zielgruppe: Semi-Profi

I"m looking for a soundtrack co-producer.

I have been composing music on the computer for about 10 years and I am looking for someone who would like to join in.

If you are interested in soundtrack production, please contact me (playing an instrument it is not absolutely necessary, but of course it is an advantage).

Together we can compose and finish beautiful soundtracks in a relatively short time, and we benefit from each other"s experience.

It would be advantageous if you live near Friedberg (Hessen) or Kassel. It is also possible to discuss things via Skype - personal contact is not a condition.

Here are some examples of my work I am still working on.

Track 1 (finished)
Track 2 (not yet mixed)

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