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Rubriken Suche Musiker oder Suche Band

Suche Alternative Band

15.10.2018 — Zielgruppe: Hobbymusiker

SINGER!!! Hi guys! My name is Ry (29), living in Bochum, NRW and i am a SINGER. I am looking for a band whom i can sing with. I sing songs of Adele, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran and many more. I am into R&B, Soul, Blues, Ballad, Alternative, Pop Songs. I only sing English songs because i am not yet fluent speaking in German. I am really passionate with regards to singing. My work schedule here in Germany is not fix but i have a lot of free days every month so i think i could handle singing in a band. I am looking for some Bars here in Bochum that are hiring singers but unfortunately i could not find one.

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Anzeigen-Nr. A95165

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